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Evil Nun Schools Out

What is Evil Nun Schools Out

The Evil Nun Schools Out: You're in Detention after school! What do you usually do between those times? So, don't worry about that. This time, you have to get away! You have 5 days. You are stuck, and the Evil Nun is keeping an eye on you. Everything can be heard by her. So please try to be quiet! Solve the puzzles to open the main door, but don't let her do any of those things.
The goal of the game is to get away from the scary demon nun, who walks through the classrooms and listens for any noise! Find yourself in all the small places you can in escape mode, or play shooter mode and look for the mummy to shoot and kill while you run.

How to play

W.A.S.D. to move. to interact with, hide, or use an item. G to drop an item. T to show an item that was hidden. To pause, use the escape key. Ctrl-Left to crouch. How to use a shooter: WSD to go for a walk Use the mouse to look around. Use the left mouse button to shoot, the right mouse button to aim, and the mouse wheel to switch weapons. G for Grenades To Load Items, press R. Pick them up Left Shift to run, Left CTRL to crouch, X to lie down, and Space to jump.

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